How does it work?
Everything and everyone has an energy. I like to use an electric fence analogy to help my clients to understand how testing works. If you were to touch an electric fence while simultaneously touching me the energy from the fence would flow through you and I would be the one that felt the current. With an in person consultation, I will touch my leg against yours while simultaneously touching the vials in the TBA testing kits. When your body needs something in one of those vials, you will actually draw a current off from it. This current is not felt by the client, but it detected by your trained TBA Practitioner via applied kinesiology. Phone and photo remedies are made in the same way except that your energy is transmitted through the sound of your voice or a recent photograph of the client. Many of my current clients are out of state and have remedies made via phone and photograph and are having the same great successes as my in person clients. Remedies for the sick, elderly, and infants can be made by photo or phone while the person on the phone touches the person in need of the remedy.
How long does it take?
The actual appointment itself takes about a half hour. For an issue like a cold or flu, TBA can be a one and done treatment. For more complex issues like auto immune diseases or riding the body of allergies or anxiety will take more than one remedy to work through the different layers of issues that are causing the ailment. The correction of more complex issues surrounding our ailments are not immediate. The length of the process depends on the complexity of the ailment, the amount of accumulated toxins in the system, and the clients commitment to their own overall health and wellness.
Is TBA limited to just physical ailments?
Every organ of the body has an emotional component to it, therefore, emotional turmoil may manifest itself as physical symptoms. Likewise, physical symptoms may cause emotional turmoil. TBA does not just help with physical ailments, it helps with emotional ailments as well. Your TBA program will help bring your body back to homeostasis and help you feel your physical and emotional best. It works on animals too (think behavioral issues, not just medical).
What if I don’t believe this can work?
If you are 100% resistant to the idea of alternative methods of health and wellness it is possible to block your energy flow to your practitioner making it very difficult to create a remedy for you. This issue can sometimes be corrected by engaging the client in conversation which tends to relax them and allow their energy to freely flow through them again. The concept of TBA is not an easy one to wrap your head around. Although I do my best to explain to my clients exactly what we are doing, the most wonderful thing about this process is that you don’t have to understand how or why it works in order to achieve great success with your TBA program. You can be the biggest skeptic there is and as long as you are willing to take your remedy you will see results from your TBA program.