What is TBA?
I get this question a lot. So let’s address that here.
Let’s first start with defining kinesiology, because it’s hard to understand TBA if we don’t understand Kinesiology. Kinesiology is the study of human movement or kinetics. The practice of TBA uses Applied Kinesiology, commonly referred to as muscle testing. In alternative medicine it is believed that all muscles are tied to specific organs, glands, or functions of the body. Testing the muscle associated with a specific organ for weakness, can indicate weakness or disease in that organ. Using kinesiology to test every muscle in the body would be a time consuming process, so TBA uses an advanced form of applied kinesiology in which the body as a whole is tested against the energy of healthy working body systems to determine where the weaknesses are.
When body functions are compromised, by lack of nutrition, disease, or other means, modern medicine looks to treat the malfunction with medication. Instead of treating with medication, the TBA remedy seeks to find the body functions that need to be repaired, what has caused the malfunction to begin with, and the nutritional elements needed to allow the body to mend.
Your TBA practitioner will have a series of test kits that have individual vials containing the frequencies of healthy working body systems, disease causing agents, and healthy nutritional ranges. Your practitioner will test the electro magnetic frequency of your body against the electromagnetic frequencies of the vials in the test kits to prepare your custom made remedy. This unique system designed by Dr. Reuben Dehaan is the only means available to track an ailment to a specific cause.
You will find a lot of modalities for healing in the world of alternative medicine, acupuncture, herbs, and aromatherapy just to name a few. Many of these therapies I use myself and incorporate them into my own personal health and wellness regimine. But what I find lacking in everything else that I’ve tried is the lack of a WHY. Essential oils and herbs may help ease my anxiety, or help me to sleep through the night, but they are incapable of determining WHY I have these issues to begin with. Like medication, they treat the symptom but not the root cause. The TBA program tracks the symptom to the place of origin in the body, and then to the cause of the issue, and provides a custom remedy to detoxify your body of whatever is causing the symptom in the first place.
Some clients feel a marked difference with every single remedy they take. Some clients require a couple of remedies before they start noticing the changes in their bodies. Each of our bodies
The FAQ portion of www.holisticallyhealthy.org offers more insight into what you can expect during your TBA appointment.
For additional information on TBA Dr Reuben Dehaan’s website can be accessed at www.hcmionline.com
Magaly mondragon says
HI my name is magaly and im from mexico . So i would like to know how can i have access To this test.?
Thanks in advance
colleen says
TBA’s can be performed in person, by phone, via video chat, or by photograph with a written explanation of the results.